Situation ethics is a theory and practice that was developed by liberal theologians in the 1960's. On the surface, it states that moral principles can sometimes be abrogated in the name of love to serve a greater purprose.
But in practice it is used to justify all sorts of horrible actions "in the name of love" with no regard to others.
I raise this becaue this is the ethical system employed by the Lithium moderation staff for Sony in general, and for their lap dog Conrad_Max in particular.
The return of "Chain Swing" at Listen@Home prompted an older thread to be bumped: Chain Swing Responsible for mass Suicides. It was started on January 27th, 2009, about six weeks after the beginning of open beta when the song began to crawl under everyone's skin and lasted for about a week, dying off on February 2nd, 2009.
KZEL33T bumped the tread on May 10th, more than a year after the final post. It's reintroduction was both timely and relevant.
Confusion creeps in though when the mini-mod blowhard Conrad_Max writes:
"Why is a thread that has no activity bumped when we have a current active thread (Koopa's grievences emergency first edition)? Bumping older threads is pretty much frown uponn (sic) and on some forums it's considered spamming."
There are several respons to Max. "Frowned upon?" By who? It seems to me bumping older threads should be enouraged since it saves space and does not clutter the boards. And where is this rule written anyway?
What is puzzling is that Conrad et al condemn people for duplicting threads, such as the aformentioned CommanderKoopa. And, what does "Chain Swing" have to do with Koops' thread anyway???
And of course, since Conrad says something, the thread is locked by LowestFrequency (a mod I've never heard of) with Conrad_Max giving the mod a kudo.
If Conrad, or anyone, wants to understand why he is so hated, this is the perfect example. His actions remind me of the chracter Rifki in Midnight Express.
So, which is it? If we don't start new threads for old topics, and can't bump old threads to bring a topic back for discussion, then what is the correct thing to do? Tell us Conrad, we're all waiting for your brilliant answer...
He's a bish. That's why